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Google SEO Can Help Your Website Getting Free Traffic

Marketing Schemes

Seeking High-quality SEO services ?

If you are seeking high-quality on-page SEO services that optimize your website using White Hat and SEO techniques to rank prominently on Google SERPs, then you've come to the right place.


We Develop Our Digital Future

We conduct thorough keyword research locally, nationally, or internationally, and then optimize your website to easily rank for those keywords, thereby achieving the desired results more quickly.

GOOGLE Free Traffic Increased
Keyword Rankings Improved
Customer satisfaction

What Will We do?

The Foundation
Step 1

Check & Set Up Google Analytics

Check & Set Up Google Search Console (GSC)

Check & Install an SEO Solution for Your Website

Set Up Keyword Rank Tracking

User Experience
Step 2

Check for Pretty Permalinks

Check the Site is Mobile Friendly

Check the Site Loads Fast

Check and Optimize Your 404 Page

Claim Your Brand on Multiple Social Networks

Step 3

Web Host Check

Check for GZIP Compression

Check for HTTP/2

Minify JS/CSS Files

Resize Large Images at Upload

Technical SEO
Step 4

Check for Https (SSL)

Create a Sitemap & Add it to Google Search Console(GSC)

Create a robots.txt File

Fix Missing and Duplicate Meta Titles and Descriptions

Use “noindex” and “nofollow” Tags Properly

Step 5

Have a Solid SEO Content Strategy

Do Keyword Research

Create Content for keyword target page

Identify & Fix Keyword Cannibalization

Identify and Fix Duplicate Content

On-Page SEO
Step 6

Check the Target Keyword Matches User Intent

Use a H1 on Each Page

Set an Meta Title

Write a Compelling Meta Description

Set Images Alt Text

Off-Page SEO
Step 7

Have a Solid Link Building Strategy

Build Foundational Links

Interlink Social Networks

Turn Brand Mentions into Links

Social Posting

Claim with SE
Step 8

Claim your Google Profile

Claim Your Yandex Profile

Claim Your Bing Profile

Claim Brand Mentions from Local Sites

Our Price Table

Choose The Best Package

Minimum 3 months , won't have resultd in a short time.

Silver Pack

$HK/$SG $2000/$350Per/Month

5 keywords

Gold Pack

$HK/$SG $2500/$450Per/Month

10 keywords

Platinum pack

$HK/$SG $3400/$580Per/Month

15 keywords